The Secrets ou Segredos Intimos, por aqui, é uma história que vale a pena ser vista por vários motivos: rara vez o cinema tematiza os judeus ortodoxos com profundidade; menos ainda, toca-se num tema tão delicado para os conservadores, como o direito das mulheres a ter um lugar digno no mundo religioso. Todavía, um amor proibido, entre as duas protagonistas, num seminário para mulheres religiosas. Tudo, no filme, é beleza. A fotografia, a história, as protagonistas. A proposta não pretende questionar a ortodoxia senão apenas onde toca às mulheres, por isso é original: conservador no religioso, subversivo e radical na questão da sexualidade e da luta feminista. O sentido religioso da vida está presente, o sagrado é reafirmado como pano de fundo, de forma belíssima. Um relato de um Israel mítico, sem misseis nem balas assassinas.
A solidariedade, o amor e o companheirismo estão em primeiro plano. As cenas dos rituais cabalísticos são de arrepiar. Enfim, um filme que não pode passar sem ser visto (eu vi na Glauber, 21:30h). Adoraria saber qual o efeito dele em Israel. Os rabinos devem ter excomungado (!!!) o diretor, Avi Nesher. Vejam o trailer:
Em entrevista, o diretor diz: "A few years ago, while I was doing a documentary called Oriental about the failure of the Camp David Peace talks, I realized that a major part of the Middle Eastern problem was connected to feminist issues. If you’re talking about Eastern versus Western culture, a woman’s position in society becomes a central question. In the Eastern version, a woman takes a backseat to a man’s role: she can have a family and kids, but she doesn’t run the show. The Western version, on the other hand, promotes equality. This Western notion becomes a nightmare for the Eastern perception of the sexes, which is not a uniquely Muslim phenomenon - many ‘traditional’ societies subscribe to this view. Orthodox Jews are no different. Orthodox Judaism puts women in a secondary position as well.
For instance, orthodox Jewish women do not go to institutions of higher Jewish learning;they are basically kept uneducated.Sometime later, I found out that there is a feminist revolution going on within orthodox Jewry. This was interesting and new to me. Quietly, Yeshivas for women are being established called “Midrasha’s”. These Midrashas are not the same as their male counterparts,since in a Midrasha, women only study for a year, do not obtain a degree and afterwards,the women are still expected to get married and have kids. Still, deep down, there’s something very subversive about these institutions because clearly this is the beginning of a movement that will eventually shake up the whole society.I thought it would be interesting to make a movie about women in a traditional society engaging in this form of quiet rebellion. I started to do research. Then it occurred to me that I shouldn’t write the script by myself, but collaborate with a woman who comes from that background. Luckily, I ran into Hadar Galron, a wonderful playwright who wrote Mikve, a highly acclaimed play that was awarded “Play of the Year” at the Israeli National Theatre Awards in 2005. Hadar is an orthodox woman. She’s also extremely smart, staunchly feminist and very funny. In her former career as a standup comedian, she received a lot of hate mail. In other words, Hadar is a woman after my own heart. We met several times and the project grew from there..."
Se ficou curios@, assista o filme e consulte:
Bolívia, 2018: Copacabana e La Paz
Há 6 anos
Conhecendo bem a mentalidade judaica daquele povo, escumungar é pouco, no minimo vão apedrejar, nem que seja
Mil beijos!
sem duvidas. O cara deve morar fora de Israel, Jorginho. Senao, bala nele!!!